
“No longer deemed a school”: NYSED takes unprecedented action on failing yeshivas

February 18, 2025 Last week, the New York State Education Department issued letters to three Brooklyn yeshivas who have obstructed the department’s ongoing school review process that they are no longer designated schools that teach compulsory education, an unprecedented and important first step that we hope serves as a wakeup call for other noncompliant schools.  […]

“No longer deemed a school”: NYSED takes unprecedented action on failing yeshivas Read More »

NY Appeals Court rules in favor of State Education Department on enforcement of yeshiva regulations 

The Appellate Division issued a ruling on Thursday, June 27th, that makes clear the State’s ability to enforce regulations over yeshivas.  The case, which was heard in March at Albany Law School, was an appeal of a decision last April to strike down two provisions of the regulations that would have allowed the New York

NY Appeals Court rules in favor of State Education Department on enforcement of yeshiva regulations  Read More »

Today is a national day celebrating education, inspired by yeshivas. Some of those yeshivas refuse to educate.

The United States Congress and the President honor yeshiva education today on Education and Sharing Day. For some yeshiva grads, who were denied a basic education as children, the celebration is a cruel irony. By Ben Tocker, Communications and Development Manager, YAFFED On April 19, 2024, the United States Congress and the President will celebrate

Today is a national day celebrating education, inspired by yeshivas. Some of those yeshivas refuse to educate. Read More »

Shavuot and the Torah’s commandment to provide children with an education

On the holiday of Shavuot, which starts tonight on the evening of May 25, Jewish people all over the world celebrate the acceptance of the Torah and its commandments. Among the many teachings within the Torah, there exists a significant Mitzvah (commandment) that is essential to ensuring the success of future generations: the commandment to

Shavuot and the Torah’s commandment to provide children with an education Read More »

Mayor’s Category Conflation is dangerous for all of NYC’s students

Last week, at a fundraiser for the TeachNYS Coalition, a project of the Orthodox Union, New York City Mayor Eric Adams offered praise of yeshiva education system telling the assembled crowd: “We need to be duplicating what you are achieving”.  In making this comment, the Mayor once again reduced the horrific issue of educational neglect

Mayor’s Category Conflation is dangerous for all of NYC’s students Read More »

Yaffed Celebrates Two Huge Wins

On Wednesday evening, September 20th, 2022, a crowd of Yaffed staff, Board members, and friends gathered to celebrate two mega wins: the recent front page New York Timespiece that highlighted what Yaffed has long been advocating, and the vote by the NYSED Board of Regents that finally passed substantial equivalency regulations.  Incoming Executive Director Beatrice

Yaffed Celebrates Two Huge Wins Read More »

State Agency Finds NYC Hasidic Yeshiva Is Failing To Provide its Students with “Substantially Equivalent” Secular Education

PRESS RELEASE State Agency Finds NYC Hasidic Yeshiva Is Failing To Provide its Students with “Substantially Equivalent” Secular Education, Breaking Century-Old Education Law. Names Numerous Infractions. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Shira Dicker: s.dicker@yalfed.org+1.917.403.3989 (via WhatsApp until 10/14) October 13, 2022 (New York, NY) — In the middle of the Jewish festival of Sukkot, Yaffed —a non-profit

State Agency Finds NYC Hasidic Yeshiva Is Failing To Provide its Students with “Substantially Equivalent” Secular Education Read More »

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