Use your voice: submit a letter

Take action on behalf of the 65,000+ children being denied an education

This past legislative session was difficult for ensuring that yeshivas are held accountable to teaching a general education to their students. There were two close calls which almost resulted in a serious rollback of the substantial equivalency enforcement, the mechanism through which the state department of education has to hold these schools accountable. We came very close to seeing all the hard work done over the last several years be systematically erased in one fell swoop driven by the Governor and the NY State Assembly.  Holding the line was the Senate, and in particular one senator, Liz Krueger. Senator Krueger stood up to a lobby effort against yeshiva regulation and loudly voiced her opposition to a deal.  Her efforts were instrumental in helping us fight back the forces that persuaded our elected officials with promises of electoral support from the Hasidic community in upcoming congressional elections.

Reach out to Senator Krueger and give her your thanks. It’s a simple act but one that elected officials appreciate.  We want Senator Krueger to know that we are grateful for her support and we want her to know that we have her back. 

Feel free to use the sample text in the form on this page which just simply expresses your thanks. The text is also fully editable – feel free to customize the message or send the basic message you see here.

If you are a constituent, please mention that in your note.

Thank you!

Send a letter of thanks to a legislator who cares about yeshiva education!

Dear Senator Krueger,

  My name is %first_name% %last_name% and I am a supporter of YAFFED. I believe strongly that every child has a right to a full education.  I am writing to thank you for standing up for yeshiva students this year.  Your efforts are noticed and appreciated!  Thank you!

%%your signature%%

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Send a Letter

It is imperative that the people who hold the power to affect change, do. And your voice can help inspire education officials and political players to take action. Click below to submit a letter to NYC Council Education Committee Chair Rita Joseph. 

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Awareness is the first step to achieving change. Please invite us to speak at your synagogue, club, community, center, etc.

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