Make your voice heard today!

Take action on behalf of the 65,000 children being denied an education

Tens of thousands of New York children attend ultra-orthodox yeshivas that refuse to provide a sound, basic education.  Despite New York State law mandating that ALL schools teach secular subjects, these yeshivas refuse to give their students an education in subjects such as Math, English, and History.

Our government officials must  do their job and enforce the law!

We need your help to make sure they do that.  Act now!  fill out this from to send an email to the NYC schools chancellor, the Mayor, and the members of the Panel for Educational Policy to tell them to enforce New York education law section 3204.


Send a letter

Dear Legislator,

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Send a Letter

It is imperative that the people who hold the power to affect change, do. And your voice can help inspire education officials and political players to take action. Click below to submit a letter to NYC Council Education Committee Chair Rita Joseph. 

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Awareness is the first step to achieving change. Please invite us to speak at your synagogue, club, community, center, etc.

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You’re invited to band together with a community of individuals from your own area of expertise or personal interest to help advance Yaffed’s mission drawing on your personal experience or professional interests. 

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A gift to Yaffed goes a long way in instilling meaningful change. With your financial support we can: amp up our advocacy efforts, launch strategic new initiatives, expand our reach, and place extra pressure on the people who hold the power to move this issue forward. 


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